Sunday, December 13, 2009

Shadowland by Meg Cabat

Cute ghost story written for teenage girls. Not something that I would ever sit down and read but it did keep me entertained during the long ride to and from work. I would certainly buy this book for a teenager.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Animal Farm by George Orwell

I loved this book! I am told that just about everyone read this book in school but I have to admit I wasn't paying attention in school so it is new to me.

While Animal Farm was meant to be a criticism of the Soviet government I recognized almost every form of government that currently exists reflected in this book. Also included was a commentary on mob mentality and organized religion.

I had not realized (remember I said I wasn't paying attention years ago) that Orwell was such a controversial writer. I will make a note to myself to look for more of his books.

Is this book still being read in school? I hope so, I believe that his message is just as significant now as it was over 60 years ago.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Woman Who Can't Forget

The story of Jill Price, a 43 year old woman who has an autobiographical memory. James McGaugh, a professor of neurobiology at University of California coined a term for Ms. Price's condition that he calls 'hyperthymestic syndrome' or overdeveloped memory.

To make a REALLY long story short, this book bored me to tears; I had hoped for an interesting scientific study of how her mind/brain worked, what might be significantly different, the types of tests that were run and why. Instead it was just a long list of things that Ms. Price has done every day of her life - 40 some years worth.